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Warmest Greetings to You
&  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹
Welcome to my Sacred space in Cyberspace !!
I am Glo Ramsay - Change Catalyst and I am thrilled that you have visited  my page !  
Throughout the ages, there have been women who have found themselves called to connect to the energy of soul magic and the mysteries that this can bring into our lives which can open us up to discovering our true  life purpose.   
To discover that throughout our lives, each one of us have been connecting to the energy of not just our physical & emotional being, our ego focused & curious Mind, but also to our Spiritual self.
I am referring to our connection to our Creator. The Creator of all that is and to the energy source of unconditional love and our own gifts of  Inner Soul Magic.   
To all that is Magical, Holy & Sacred including Angels, Ancestors & other sacred and celestial beings of light whose purpose is to guide, love and support us on our earthly journey. ​
I had never realized just how close they had actually been until I had my first ThetaHealing back in 2009 and this became an absolute  life changing moment for me.
Up until that moment, my main focus was of what was inside of my physical being, and I was dominated mainly by what was in my head which I now refer to as my Monkey mind.
While I had experienced a number of synchronistic events, some majorly big and some little miracles in my life, my understanding of them was one of mystery gratitude and acceptance of something I would never be able to understand.
That healing I was given in 2009, awakened my soul, my wisdom, and everything else at that time,   and has  supported me through good times and challenging times ever since.
 Leaving me alone at times to fumble my way through to learn and grow through some difficult life lessons, and then gently led me back into some incredible pinch myself happy times.​
Many of these events have since helped me to eliminate self doubt, anxiety, procrastination, self loathing, getting unstuck and to discover humility, my own inner light, to experience the journey of  healing of my deep Inner child wounds, and awakening my true Spiritual higher self.​
Since then I have helped literally hundreds of others to awaken their own unique inner light, their own spiritual  connections, and feel to  as empowered as I felt when my own soul was truly awakened. I realize that there is so more to come and for as long as I live and breathe there will be so much more to experience and learn as life continues to teach me further lessons,  to keep me humble, to learn from, and to share even more wisdom.  
Mindset, Heart & Soul Healing & Coaching 
Intuitive Counselling
Angel Therapy
Transformational Theta-Healing 
Glo's Tips for Self Care
Week 1
Would you like to know how to quieten anxiety and worry, instead of finding yourself feeling more and more overwhelmed ? 

To be able to stop and instead of getting caught up in negativity, to switch gently into your souls calm mode ?
To be able to listen to the soft, whisper of wisdom
straight from your own inner heart & soul and soul wisdom ?

Your Angels' are always just waiting for you to call on them but
can never gate crash as we each have been created with the individual power of
choice, the gift of free will. 
We each have the freedom to choose our own personal soul's thoughts, choices and actions.  ​
Angel's need to be invited into our lives, unless there are truly exceptional circumstances. ​


There is no need to wait! 

You can begin to step into this journey right now !


Want to know How ?


You can start right now by simply connecting through a little prayerful and sincere expression of Gratitude and aiming  

to do this at least once every day !​​


Gratitude to be alive !  Gratitude to wake up in the morning!  Gratitude for water to drink.

Gratitude for good friends!  Gratitude for welcome opportunities !

 To offer thanks to our Universe, our Creator of all life here on planet earth in whatever form you choose to experience that energy.

Sunshine for warmth, Rain to keep the crops growing our food.  â€‹

It could be as your Divine life source, Creator God, 'Mother Father, God', by simply closing your eyes &  recalling  just one thing that you are grateful for having in your life right now. 

This is not about a specific religion, it is about that unique and magical personal connection that every life form on planet earth has, right here and right now, to our Creator God of All that Is and the many supportive gifts we have at our disposal and that includes our own special Angels.

Guardian Angels,  who are just waiting for you to call on them for guidance, wisdom, protection  support, and so much more. 


Just take a brief moment to Stop and Breathe.

Tilt your head slightly backwards   

Take a slow deep breath in through your nostrils and hold it for 3 seconds.

Then release the air through your mouth by blowing it out gently. 

Breathe in Love - Breathe out negativity !


Repeat this 3  times. 


After your third breathe, notice what it is that first comes into your mind, your heart, and then think of what  you have in your life  that you would like to express gratitude for. ​

Remain sincere as you do this !  

Visualize it in your mind's eye, in your heart, and then say thankyou.

You can choose to simply think this in your mind,  or you could say it out loud to the Universe,

to your Creator God, to the Angels, or to

which ever Holy Love & Light focused energy force brings you comfort and peace. 


It will take you less that 3 minutes.


Even doing this once a day can begin to create positive shifts in your life slowly but surely. â€‹â€‹

These steps can be taken much deeper and I will share more about that in my next update.


More to come .. Watch this space... 





Introducing you to your Angels

 Angels long to be invited into our lives. 

They are always just waiting for you to call on them but having said that, they
will never just gate crash without good reason or in special circumstances when we are vulnerable and unable to make choices ourselves.
We each have the freedom to choose our own personal 
thoughts, choices, words and actions.
We have each been created with
the individual power of personal choice, and the gift of free will and Angels are bound to accept and respect that.  
Hence my advice if you are wanting to connect with your own Angels  is
​next time you are feeling low, stressed, upset,  simply
Ask Your Angels to help you out...  No special words.. just ask from your heart for whatever it is that you need help with.... and then......
********************************************** â€‹
More to follow next week as we begin to meet the Angels, one by one ... 

This weeks Angel Message is about expressing




One thing I have learned myself through my many years of experiencing life with the supportive  healing energy of our Angels is that to express Gratitude is one of the most powerful things

we can ever do. â€‹ â€‹

There are  numerous ways we each can use to connect to the Sacred, Mystical,

Spiritual connections that are available to each one of us if we choose to embrace them.​​


There are also many gifts which we may have failed to recognize that we have even received, like when a child receives lots of presents at once at a birthday party, some gifts really stand out while others may not be noticed until after the party is over.  


 I am referring to the Gifts of Grace, Compassion, Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, the Protection

and healing of  Archangels including

Archangel Michael, and Archangel Raphael, the  messages of Archangel Gabriel,  and so many others along with the energy of the our own individual Guardian Angels, Divine Masters,  

Departed loved ones, Holy Saints, our Ancestors,  Past Life Wisdom

and so much more


Contact Glo for more information  







Are you Ready to Connect to Your Magical Inner Angels
&  Awaken Your own 
Unique  Sacred Soul ?

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

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